Karl Rove

Karl Christian Rove (born December 25, 1950) is an American Republican political consultant, policy advisor, and lobbyist. He was Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff during the George W. Bush administration until his resignation on August 31, 2007. He has also headed the Office of Political Affairs, the Office of Public Liaison, and the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives.

Signed bookplate by Karl Rove.
Collected from a book hoarder’s estate.
Cut from the book.

Basic Information

  • Party Affiliation
    • Republican
  • Political Positions Held
    • Chair of the College Republicans
      • 1973-1977
    • Senior Advisor to the President
      • President George W. Bush
      • January 20 2011 – August 31 2007
    • White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy
      • February 8 2005 – August 31 2007
    • Architect of the Forever War in Iraq and Afghanistan
      • September 11 2001 – August 31 2007
    • Scandals
      • Private email servers during the Bush Administration – violating the Presidential Records Act
      • Defending waterboarding and other “advanced interrogation techniques” for use on Afghani and Iraqi detainees during the Forever Wars
      • The Plame Affair where Valarie Plame’s status as a CIA operative was leaked by the Bush Administration to the New York Times.
      • Refused to testify to a congressional subpoena to the House Judiciary Committee regarding the politicization of the Department of Justice.
      • Jokingly commented about murdering Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Akin after the later made comments about “legitimate rape”
  • Election Campaigns Worked On
    • Phil Gramm – US House (1982)
    • Phil Gramm – US Senatorial (1984)
    • Bill Clements – Texas Gubernatorial (1986)
    • Rick Perry – Texas Agriculture Commission (1990)
    • John Ashcroft – US Senatorial (1994)
    • George W. Bush – Texas Gubernatorial (1994 & ’98)
    • George W. Bush – Presidential (2000 & ’04)
    • John Cornyn – US Senatorial (2002)
    • Donald J. Trump – Presidential (2020)
  • Post White House
    • Political Analyst & Contributor
      • Fox News
      • Newsweek
      • The Wall Street Journal
    • Honours & Awards
      • Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame

Resigned after refusing to answer a subpoena to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the leak that publicly identified Valerie Elise Plame as a CIA officer in the New York Times in 2003.